Friday, March 3, 2017

Why we don't have an inmigration reform?

Nowaday is important to know, why in USA doesn't have an inmigration reform? Well, we need to analyse at least two perspectives, the first is the economic, and the second is the political.

Basically, diferent companies, specially, farmers, don't think an inmigration reform results good for them bussines. Because wether millions of workers have an legal status, they would have labour rights. How you can maintain the level of production and the volume of profits, if you need to increase the salary and pay more taxes? That is like to shoot in the foot, you require a cheap workforce and without rights, because in that way, you can increase the level of production and the utilities. For other hand, recently Donald Trump in his address to Congress the past Tuesday, Febreuary 28th, he said that USA needs high-qualified workers in order that to allow income to this country. But in the farm, the northamericans companies have the best high-qualified workers, considering most of them were farmworkers, actually, the majority people who inmigrate worked in the field, but they have to leave their towns, because they don't have infraestructure and they can't compete with the big companies, and North American Free Trade created a inequal competition in the market. The mexican government didn't do anything to support the small producers and the farmers.

But in others jobs, for example, housekeepers, builders, cleaning and services companies, happen the same, the contractors prefer undocumented workers by reason of they could dismiss without justification, they can pay low salaries and employed more people counter to if they hire USA citizens.

The other reason, is a political issue. Many conservatives politians think if they support an inmigration reform would lost votes, on the other hand, some are racists, xenophobics and they believe USA is invaded by people who don't trust in them values, and the most important don't speak english and they're not whites. Such is the case of Trump, Bannon, Sessions and many members of the cabinet of the actual president of the USA. But contrary to appear, many Republicans are in favor a complete inmigration reform, such is George W. Bush, who supported an proposed one. That reform could read in USA Inmigration Reform, where not only we have a squeme to find the pathway to legalize millions of undocuments migrants, but also, how to maintain a "secure" border, with founding to boders patrols, expand the rack in the border with Mexico, and deport people who have commited a felony. Is important to read that proposal, because we can see, that propose is really conservative, but could relieve the legal situation of many inmigrants.

But, why with the president Bush not was succesful? Because, happened the 9/11, and the government of USA entered the war against terrorism and many islamic nations. In that moment, Mexico had a Foreign Secretary, who wanted that reform and he called "la enchilada completa", Jorge G. Castañeda.
Although he was a great connoisseur of the foreign affairs between Mexico and USA, he failed. And the main reason is because for many politicians is not a priority to give a legal situation for many migrants, not, the domestic policy is most important than the relationship with his southern neighbour. That proposal was archived and the preference was the war against terrorism.

With the president Obama happened something diferent, the republicans opposed to everything he wanted to proposed. They was resentful with the ObamaCare and they declare a war against the president. Today, the president Donal Trump talked about an inmigration reform, the last tuesday, but many people, including members of the Republican Party, don't believe Trump was talking seriously. And that is true, because if we check his speech is completely anti-inmigrant, and the only proposal comes out the oval office, particularly, of Bannon. And he thinks is necesary to counteract the islamic and the mexican culture, and "make america white again", he believes if the government of USA create a caotic and stressful situation for inmigrants they comeback to their countries and many inmigrant would not want to cross the border. That is the actual policy, and an inmigration reform or "la enchilada completa" is a complete delusion.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Steve Bannon and the white supremacism

Steve Bannon is adviser in National Security Council at the White House, before that he occupied diferent positions in some companies, for example, in Goldman Sachs, but his last job, it was in Breitbart News a conservative and nationalist media.

His vision of the world is this faced a serious crisis about the western values and he thinks the white people is a minority and their power position is in decadence. The arrived to the White House of Barack Obama demonstrated for him, how the USA lost its identity, why an african-american became be president?, what happened with the white people in this nation?, why USA has the most important latinamerican inmigration, especially, mexican?

Well, he wasn't the first people who asked that kind of questions, intelectuals conservatives put that questions in different areas of the public life in USA. The most importan was Samuel Huntington, he talked in his books, and the academy about how another civilizations and religions put at risk the western civilization. And about the situation in USA on inmigration, particularly, mexican inmigration he wrote a book titled Who are we?: The challenges to america´s national identity, where he spoke about how the mexican inmigration represent a threath to the identity of  the USA. Because most of them don't speak english, have another culture and values. And he said openly that caucasian-european inmigration is good for USA, because they share the same values and culture, but the mexican people don't think equal. Even he begun his book with a picture about how in USA waving mexican flags in a street in this country, that's awful.

That is the seed the hate, intolerance and governmental actions against inmigration, especially mexican inmigration. Actually, muslim people and mexican people are the enemy since George W. Bush, during the goverment of Barack Obama the public speach changed but no the actions against the mexicans, especially, the deportations. But for some part of the establishment and entrepreneurs, that actions weren't enough,talk publicly about the situation it was an obligation, and Donald Trump was that person who "denounced" openly about the "mexican problem".

But behind that candidate, now president, was Bannon. He created a broad network between nationalists and white supremacists (even the KKK) inside and outside of the USA, also trough his media Breitbart News, since there he spoke about how the white workers lost their jobs, because mexican people took them, how the muslim people attack Europe and USA. He and other supporters of the movement Tea Party, called that tendency, "the alt right". Le Penn, the supporters of the Brexit, Vladimir Putin and other nationalists movements identified with them. They talk concerning inmigration, muslim people, the hate to gay people and the problem of the globalization. Another important point is how the white persons losses ground front other ethnicities. Europe keep the charge of PM for the white people, but in USA an african american arrived to the presidency, that is a signal of threat to Europe.

They don't talk openly about that, because they would be described as racists, and at this moment, they can't talk relating to his subject, it is suppose overcome, for that reason they don't speak publicly. They prefer take the control and the power over the government and the positions of power.

Therefore, Steve Bannon has an public schedule to reach, recreate a new USA with white people in the power, cristians values and where all only speak english, the white supremacism.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The weakness the mexican goverment is the strength the usa goverment

Trough the history of Mexico always it needs to see toward to the north, because it has a powerful neighbour, USA. Since USA emerged as a nation, it has seen how to expand its territory and its domain. In 1835, Mexico experimented how the USA goverment snatched its territory, not only Texas, a part important the north of territory. Gral. Santa Anna was president of goverment of Mexico, but he was a president without legitimacy and popularitie between the mexican people, the result was a big lost to Mexico, and the conviction by the USA goverment of that Mexico never would represent a real oponent. In diferent moments USA invaded mexican territory, the last time was during the mexican revolution, it tried to do once more when petroleum expropriation, but the president Lázaro Cardenas, threatned with burned petroleum towers, if USA government stepped mexican territory.

Afther that event between mexican goverment and USA goverment, they tried to understand in differents subjects, but with a predominance by the last. But, nowadays, all is change with the presidency of Donald Trump. Because he during his campaign encouraged a hate to the mexican people, he called them: rapers, thiefs and "bad hombres". And he said he would build the wall, and Mexico would pay for the wall.

But the mexican government wasn't prepare to confront to Donald Trump meanwhile he was candidate, president Peña Nieto had the mistake to invited to Donald Trump to Mexico. The president received him like a chief of state, but that gesture didn't calm the speech of hate to Mexico.

Finally, and counter all we expected, Trump won the presidency of the USA, it was like a bucket of cold water. The mexican goverment faced an internal crisis because the murder of 43 students from Guerrero, the corruption and symtomps of authoritarism and represion toward some social movements. The mexican goverment have tried to negociate not only the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and it hasn't tried speak about the build of wall and the pay. But, the mexican goverment hasn't the enough strength to faced an USA goverment led by Trump. He tried to use the weakness of president Peña Nieto to say and to do, whatever he wants.

Nowadays, strong goverments with a solid legitimacy are capable to confront any threat. But president Peña and his goverment lack of this elements and they can't unite the population and the political class. Conversely, some medias and politicians have attacked the estrategy of president Peña. Maybe a change of goverment, could face this challenge, but it may be too late.